Multiple Boat Shipments

CMT’s core business is transporting
multiple boat shipments for manufacturers & dealers.
Yachts, Sailboats & Houseboats

CMT transports large boats, yachts, sailboats & houseboats up to 60 feet long, 15 feet tall & 42,000 pounds.
Boats To & From Canada

About 15% of CMT’s business is transporting boats to & from Canada. Over 50% of CMT Boats trucks & drivers have authority for Canada shipments.
Specialty & Superload Boats

CMT knows some specialty boats require special transportation handling.
This includes superloads, larger
boats & specialty boats.
Military, Rescue & Conservation

CMT ships military, rescue & conservation boats. Most are transported for the manufacturer or for the government agency that owns the boat.
Boats In & Out Of US Ports